Friday, June 11, 2010

Local Hospitality

Local Hospitality
You can always tell when a prude has been messing around with anything.

There is a place in the North Carolina mountains that was (and still is to native western North Carolinians) known as "Bony-Ass's Defeat".
And was shown as such on maps from the colonial era until the 1920s when some Yankee prude in Washington, D.C. decided the Bony-Ass's Defeat was too much for the prim and proper prude to handle and changed the location's name to 'Bonus Defeat' on the official geological survey maps.

Now you might ask way was the place called Bony-Ass's Defeat in the first place.

The story is that in the early colonial era there was a hunter who with his dog (whose hind end was naught but skin and bone compared to an impressive chest and shoulders, so the hunter called him 'Bony-Ass') hunted the area and chanced upon a bear on late afternoon. The hunter missed killing the bear with his first shot and would not have time to load a second before the bear would be on him except for Bony-Ass.

Bony-Ass attacked the bear and give as good as he got for several moments until both he and the bear tumbled off the edge of the rock face they were fighting upon. As this was progressing the hunter loaded a second shot - remember these were the single shot muzzle loading days - and he rushed to the edge to see that Bony-Ass had lost the final round of the fight to the ground and was bent misshapen over the rocks below the rock face and that the bear was wobbling away slowly, battered but victorious.

Victorious until the hunter placed a lead ball behind it's ear and it slumped to the ground to become a rug or a coat or saddle cover and the flesh jerked for the winter to feed the hunter and his family. Bony-Ass lay were he died and the rock face that saw this 'titanic' struggle was and will be forevermore known as Bony-Ass's Defeat.

So take you 'Bonus Defeat' and shove it.

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