Monday, June 7, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools
Faux's Glenn Beck praises Joe McCarthy, gushes about book by anti-Semitic author.
The true NAZI shines through.

Columnist from racist Vdare website is welcomed on Faux News to comment on immigration.
And this is news?

Deranged wingnut Jim Quinn lies: Obama is a "nexus of angry black nationalism, colonialism, Marxism, and incompetence".
You forgot Bagism, Nagism and fruit loops.

Faux's Bill O'Reilly compares gay people to al Qaeda.
Trying to reclaim your batshit craziest crown from Beck, eh, there Billy ol'boy?

Substitute host on Lush Dimbulb's hate radio show lies: the "great debate" is whether or not Obama is "deliberately wrecking things".
 There is no debate - he is not.
Glenn Beck, Faux News's most obviously insane host, bites the hand that feeds him. Last week he blamed the 9/11 attack on Alwaleed bin Talal, A Saudi and the world fifth richest man and the #2 stockholder in News Corp — and thus part-owner of Faux News. 
Hey, all you Faux News mindless drones ... betcha didn't know the Saudi's are telling you what they want you to hear - and you calling them 'sand-niggers' and all.

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