Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: Obama administration might kill "10 percent" of population, "because that's what anarchists, Marxists, communists, revolutionaries, Maoists do".
Again incorrect with his 'facts'

Steve King (reptile-Iowa) lies: Obama "favors the black person" and "radical quasi-militant Latinos" are "willfully misinforming the American people".
Wrong, you idiot. He has shown no indication of such ... in fact the opposite is more likely given his behavior thus far. As to the 'willfully misinforming the American people' bullshit, you best remember that mirror you are barking into.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies that Obama won't meet with head of BP because "he's a white CEO".
No, he won't meet with him because he's an idiot just as you are.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies progressives are planning a "summer of rage" filled with violence, death and chaos.
Speaking into the mirror again.

Substitute host for Lush Dimbulb lies" Obama is "OK with the Iranian government," and has "the same degree of tyrant in him".
Where do these morons crawl out from under a rock - let's go there and destroy the rock and be done with these dangerous, venomous reptiles once and for all

Faux's Glenn Beck crops video to make the absurd lie that "the mask is coming off" a plot to take over the country.
Hey moron, the mask fell off in the year 2000 and in 2008 we got rid of the wearer.
repugican congressional candidate suggests land mines at the US-Mexico border
The repugican nominee for a New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary.

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