Monday, June 21, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools

Un-American Family Ass-hats mouthpiece Bryan Fischer lies: President Obama is literally a "fascist dictator".
 Proving Fascists are just like Nazis when it comes to talking into the mirror and confusing it with reality

Lush Dimbulb repeats his lies: Obama "wanted" Gulf oil disaster and "likes the disaster".
Saying it over and over again doesn't make it true, asshole, anymore than it make your 'marriage' to a woman a shield against the truth of your predilections for Dominican boys.

republican Congressional candidate Bill Randall alleges conspiracy between government and BP in causing spill.
No need to allege anything it was a conspiracy between government and BP ... between the shrub and the cabal and BP with the dick as the pivot man.

Michael Savage lies: If the country survives Obama, historians will say his was "the most terroristic regime in the history" of the US.
Nope, that was the shrub and the cabal and it has already been so recorded by historians.

Faux's Glenn Beck compares kids singing about Obama to Hitler Youth.
A Nazi using Nazi imagery again and this makes it news how?

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