Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools

What an idiot

Faux's Sean Hannity lies: that Obama is sabotaging BP Gulf gusher cleanup.
No, that would be BP doing that itself

Well, 'lie' is not entirely correct ... there are 'actual revolutionaries' in Washington - they're called repugicans, however that is not who the idiot is ranting about.

No, that plan was the shrub's and the cabal's and it was stopped cold and the wingnuts don't like it.

Dimbulb blasts repugicans for backing off criticism of BP escrow account
The leader of the repugican party has spoken. The round of apologies won't be far behind. 

From CNN:
Wingnut hate-radio host Lush Dimbulb is taking aim at repugican leaders for rushing to demand  Joe Barton retract his controversial apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward during last week's congressional hearing.

On his radio show Monday, Dimbulb suggested the repugican leadership likely agrees with Barton's sentiments, but are driven by recent national polls which suggest the majority of Americans support President Barack Obama's push for BP to set aside $20 billion for future liability claims.

"It was a shakedown pure and simple," said Dimbulb, echoing the words for which Barton later apologized. "And somebody had the audacity to call it what it was and now everybody's running for the hills."

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