Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ocean Photographer Reveals Amazing Images

ted talk stingray image
Image via TED video
TED's Mission Blue Voyage to the Galapagos put some of the best scientists and advocates of the oceans in one place to discuss what's happening to our seas - the good and the bad. But a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say, so the TED Talk given by photographer Brian Skerry holds a particularly hefty weight. In fact, he even states that he wanted to make his photographic endeavors more like war photography, with harder-hitting pictures that tell the full story of the oceans - gorgeous, imperiled, emotional and stark. In this short talk, Skerry reveals how images can impact viewers in a way no amount of lecturing can match. Click through to see how Skerry shows both the "horror and magic of the ocean" as he shows some of the incredible photos he's taken both above and below the waves.
Article continues: TED Talk: Ocean Photographer Brian Skerry Reveals Amazing Images (Video)

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