Sunday, June 27, 2010

Orangutan learns to swim

Watch Suyia, a 7-year-old male orangutan, swim and dive underwater with his trainer. The great ape is able to swim up to twenty feet unaided using his rudimentary 'Borneo crawl', defying the common misconception that they are terrified of water.

Suriya looks comfortable retrieving hoops from the bottom of the pool and riding on the back of handler Moksha Bybee, 30, as she glides underwater. The ape staff at Myrtle Beach Safari, South Carolina, introduced the orangutan to their 67-foot-long pool after they noticed he had an unusual love for splashing around in the bath.

"The organutans went from playing in just a couple of inches of water to a couple of feet. They loved it so much they would splash around there for hours," Moksha Bybee said.

"One night, I decided to give the big oranguatan a lifevest, and immediately the light went on - Suyia understood that he could swim. Later we took him to the big pool and he learned all the new dimensions of what he could do underwater."

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