Sunday, June 20, 2010

Passers-by offered a crash course in art by installation

A red BMW car wedged between a sandstone building and wrought-iron railings has been the focus of much attention in Edinburgh. The unusual sight at the Roxy Art House in Roxburgh Place has even prompted calls to the police.

However, the stuck car is not an act of vandalism but rather the work of artist Jake Rusby. The work, called "joyriding", was commissioned by Roxy's independent art gallery, the Embassy Gallery.

A Roxy Art House spokesman said: "One of the great things about the Roxy is that people just do stuff: "It's a place for artists to have creative ideas and then see them through.

"It's a great feeling coming to work in the morning and seeing people looking at a car in a hole, taking pictures, wondering what's going on. Art should inspire curiosity, and Jake Rusby's piece does just that."

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