Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Policed called on Census worker

Cameras were rolling when A U.S. Census worker and an Albuquerque, New Mexico homeowner got into an argument that prompted a response by police.

In the video the homeowner asks then tells the census worker to leave her property - he refused saying he had a federal right to be there ... WRONG - the census worker was guilty of criminal trespass the instant he was asked to leave and he refused and should have been arrested on the spot by police when they arrived in answer to the homeowner's call. Census workers have NO special privileges or rights beyond those of any citizen - although some as evidenced by this idiot think they have.

In addition the only question that a census worker is allowed to ask anyone BY LAW is the number of persons living at a residence ... all other questions are not required by law nor are they required by law to be answered. The census law is one of the simplest on the books - Every ten years the federal government is required to count the numbers of persons living within the boundaries of the United States (Citizens living outside of the US are not required to be counted) nothing more and nothing less to be used in determining allotment of resources and representation of those persons living within the boundaries of the US. All other data, i.e., name, birthdate, race, etc., are not required or necessary.

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