Friday, June 4, 2010

Robbery suspect with one lung can’t outrun pursuers

An elaborate jewelery heist went off without a hitch until the getaway. The would-be robber just couldn’t outrun the law. After he was captured, panting and out of breath, the Kirkland man told police he has only one lung. Edmonds police found Steven Kyle surrounded by good Samaritans not far from Cline Custom Jewelers.

Kyle went into the store May 5 and said he was shopping for engagement rings. The man inspected ring after ring and asked a lot of questions. Then he told the jewelery designer to pull everything out of the display case. She told him she couldn’t do that. The man then reached into the waistband of his pants, the woman told police. He warned her he was armed and pulled what appeared to be a handgun partially out of his pants.

Then he went shopping. Kyle picked out rings and demanded the woman hand them over, court papers said. A dozen rings later, he fled the store. The woman alerted other employees that she’d been robbed. A group of people — it’s not clear who — gave chase. Kyle, sensing he was losing ground, threw the gun at his pursuers. Then he ditched the $75,000 in stolen rings.

No gun, no loot, the heist was losing steam. Then the group caught up with Kyle. They held him until a police officer arrived. The gun was fake. The felony first-degree robbery charge filed against Kyle is real. He is being held on $50,000 bail. Kyle told police he was out of work and desperate, and planned to pawn the rings.

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