Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Scientific Minds Want To Know

Scientific Minds Want To Know
Hispaniolan solenodon (Jorge Brocca)
Researchers set off on an expedition to the Dominican Republic to track down an elusive 'living fossil'.

Replica of the ship Susan Constant (Getty)
A study of discarded oyster shells reinforces the idea that the first British colonists in America faced an unusually severe drought.

Meet the bone-eating snot-flower worm
Osedax mucofloris—otherwise known as the bone-eating snot-flower worm—is a species of undersea worm discovered in 2005. It eats the bones of deceased whales. On the surface of the bone, the worm looks like a curly, pink flower. Burrowed into the bone is a mass of  tissue that, presumably, does the actual eating.

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