Friday, June 4, 2010

Scientific Minds Want To Know

Scientific Minds Want To Know

In 2005, researchers predicted two potential signatures of life on Saturn's moon Titan – now both have been seen.

Organic molecules in the atmosphere may have joined together in fractal patterns, boosting the greenhouse effect and explaining how the infant planet stayed warm.

Mars harbours rocks rich in carbonate minerals, suggesting there was more water there in the past than previously thought.

A fossil foot bone reveals that early humans arrived on the island of Luzon tens of thousands of years earlier than realized.
Yangtze River dated to 45 million years old by looking at rock cut by water.
    Whales evolved shockingly fast into wide array of shapes and sizes.

    The long necks of the largest dinosaurs that ever lived might have been raised high after all, a new study now suggests.

    This fleshed-out artist
    This fleshed-out artist's rendering of the Mexican horned dinosaur Coahuilaceratops, shows its gigantic horns – larger than any member of its group, including the famous Triceratops.  
    Credit: Lukas Panzarin for the Utah Museum of Natural History.

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