Friday, June 11, 2010

Scientific Minds Want To Know

Scientific Minds Want To Know
Bubble bursting into ring of daughter bubbles (JC Bird/Nature)
With the help of high-speed video, scientists discover there is far more to bursting bubbles than meets the eye.

Harbour seals are able to detect fish that are up to 100m away using only their whiskers, say scientists.

Cithaerias menander butterfly
Scientists release dazzling pictures of tropical butterflies
Click to reveal

Bee worship was enshrined in ancient art (Image: 
Ckirie/Chris Irie/Flickr)
The discovery of the oldest known beehives in the world in Israel reveals the skills of ancient bee-keepers
Radar data show new details about a vast mountain range buried beneath the ice of Antarctica.  
Giant Sea Reptiles Were Warm-Blooded?
Prehistoric predators could control their body temperatures, study says 
Giant reptiles that ruled dinosaur-era seas might have been warm-blooded, a new study says. Researchers found that ancient ocean predators possibly regulated their body temperatures, which allowed for aggressive hunting, deep diving, and fast swimming over long distances.

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