Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation
Suspects must say they want to be silent
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that suspects must explicitly tell police they want to be silent to invoke Miranda protections during criminal interrogations, a decision one dissenting justice said turns defendants' rights "upside down." A right to remain silent and a right to a lawyer are the first of the Miranda rights warnings, which police are required to give all persons they arrest - at least for now...
OK, you idiots ... if they say they wish to remain silent then they have given up that right by vocalizing their desire to remain silent. (But that is the idea, right, morons).

Just another wrong, illegal and very damaging decision the current criminal court is guilty of.

We need to impeach and remove the criminal ideologues that are foisting these erroneous and illegal decisions upon this nation and we need to do so NOW!

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