Thursday, June 17, 2010

Taxi driver retires after passenger leaves him £250,000 tip

Taxi driver Don Pratt retired from work after a regular passenger left him a £250,000 tip – in her will. Cabbie Don, 65, spent 20 years ferrying pensioner Mary Watson to and from her local shops in Newquay, Cornwall.

He picked her up from her house and took her wherever she needed to go – until her death aged 86 early this year. But Mary, in her 80s, left her favourite taxi driver one final large tip – a quarter of a million pounds.

Mary left Don her whole estate which included a small house and - savings – worth a total of over £250,000. Father-of-four Don, a taxi driver for 30 years, has now retired thanks to Mary’s last act of generosity.

He said: ”She was always a good tipper in life and she’s was an even better tipper when she went. This money means that we can retire and go travelling. We want to go around England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland – to start with anyway.”

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