Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Woman on oxygen dies after power cut by utility company

This reminds me of the horrible incident when an elderly man in Michigan died over the winter when his power (and heating) system was shut down.
What is the matter with a system that can't help someone like this?
A woman who needed powered oxygen equipment to breathe died after she did not pay the power bill and a utility shut off her electricity, police said Friday. State officials were investigating whether any regulations were broken.

Kay Phaneuf, 53, died Thursday at Caritas Holy Family Hospital in Methuen, Mass. She had been in critical condition since her husband found her unconscious Monday about an hour after power was cut to their home in Salem.

"She can't survive without it," Salem Police Capt. Shawn Patten said of the oxygen equipment. "They cut the power to the house, the power to whatever machine she had went out, and that was it."

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