Wednesday, July 7, 2010

British wingnuts now looking at NHS for budget cuts

It didn't take them long to eye the health care system. So far it's only talk but this crowd is only happy when they are destroying the system. It won't be a surprise if their next idea is to privatize the health care system as they're planning to do with the London airports. Because privatizing always works out so well for consumers in terms of higher costs.

The Independent:
The announcement of £1bn of cuts in education on Monday has reignited a simmering debate inside the Conservative Party over whether the health budget should continue to be a "no-go area" at a time when other departments face reductions of up to 40 per cent.

One Tory backbench leader said yesterday: "MPs are getting a reaction in their constituencies about the cuts to the school-building program. They are wondering why the NHS should be protected when the future of our children is apparently not."

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