Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Elderly woman breaks inconsiderate student's nose on bus

A 66-year-old Japanese woman was arrested for hitting a student repeatedly after refused to give up his seat for her on a bus.

The teenager suffered a broken nose as a result of the attack, which occurred in Nagasaki, Japan.

Tamiko Masuta, 66, the manager of an apartment complex, was arrested after assaulting the teenager with her umbrella.

Witnesses said Masuta got into a bus and found the student, 18, occupying one of two seats designated for senior citizens.

She became furious when the student did not offer her the seat and began assaulting the student by kicking and hitting him with the umbrella.

Reports also said this was not the first time Masuta had been questioned by police for the assault of a student on a bus. She was let off with a verbal warning for the last time.

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