Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Genetically Modified Salmon May Be Declared "Safe" For Human Consumption - In The USA

pout fish photo
Trisopterus luscus or "pout," genes from which have been inserted into Atlantic Salmon for the purpose of making it eat all the time.  
Image credit:Wikipedia
This proposed commercial genetic trick - inserting the genes of a "pout fish" (as pictured) into Atlantic Salmon genes - has nothing to do with improved taste or texture or color or nutrition we'd appreciate as salmon-eating consumers. It's being done so farm-raised Atlantic salmon will eat year round, gaining weight through what would naturally have been the spawning season. Maybe, just maybe, consumer costs will be kept down if it is adopted.
At least Americans won't worry about ecological and human health risks, should sale of GM salmon be approved. FDA most certainly has an office full of aquatic ecologists and geneticists with field experience, and who care about and understand biodiversity number crunchers and consultants who can easily baffle journalists lacking background in the biological or environmental sciences.
Article continues: Genetically Modified Salmon May Be Declared "Safe" For Human Consumption - In The USA

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