Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Only The Environment After All

It's Only The Environment After All
As crews watch the new cap for signs of trouble, BP engineers investigate yet another fix for the blown well.  
BP claims seepage not from their well and 'naturally occurring'

Because we all know how accurate their information has been so far.

Energy giant BP said Monday that seepage near its Gulf of Mexico well was unrelated to the massive oil leak that has at least temporarily been capped.

The U.S. government's pointman for the spill, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, told reporters in a late afternoon briefing that the government will give the company another 24 hours to continue testing the well. He also said that he has asked BP to consider using cement in its current capping operations.

BP shares, which had dropped more than 6 percent after engineers detected seepage on the floor of the Gulf, recovered slightly in late New York trade to close down 3.6 percent, at $35.75 a share.

BP spokesman Mark Proegler told Reuters: "Scientists have concluded that the seep was naturally occurring."
It's Not Like We Don't Have Another One

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