Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jail term for man who threatened to eat police officer

A man who threatened to eat a police officer has been jailed for 15 months. Patrick Wallace, 40, admitted committing the offense at Galashiels Police Station last June.

Selkirk Sheriff Court heard how he made the threat after being arrested and also claimed he had broken the jaws of three other constables. Defense lawyer Ross Dow said they were "empty threats" and that Wallace had been on a nine-hour drinking session and it had been the alcohol talking.

The court heard Wallace had only recently been released early from a prison term when he was arrested after an incident in a public house in Galashiels. He later became aggressive and made the threats towards officers in the cells at Galashiels Police Station.

Fiona Caldwell, prosecuting, described how Wallace told one officer he would eat him and boasted that he had broken the jaws of three police officers. On jailing Wallace, Sheriff Valerie Johnstone highlighted he had been making threats to police officers after being released early from a 10-month prison sentence and that he had previous convictions for violence.

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