Friday, July 16, 2010

Japanese man tries to rob police station

From the "What an idiot" Department:

A knife-wielding man entered a police station in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, and demanded money, but was arrested on the spot, police said.

Kazuhiro Hatakeyama, 22, entered Kesennuma Police Station at about 12:40 p.m. on Monday, the police said.

Carrying a kitchen knife with a 16-centimeter blade, the unemployed man threatened a 37-year-old female worker at the reception counter of a traffic safety association on the first floor, saying, "Give me some money, or I'll kill you." But the man was quickly apprehended as several police officers who were nearby.

The police said he was arrested on suspicion of attempted robbery and violating the Firearms and Swords Control Law. The man reportedly told police that he thought he could get some money if he robbed a police station.

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