Monday, July 19, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe 
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools
WingNutDaily lies: "Comrade Obama" is "a godless Marxist" and "moral degenerate".
Spoken like the true godless Marxists and moral degenerates they are.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: "My tax dollars, your tax dollars" are "going to fund the murder of children".
OK, when are we going to lock this insane madman away for ever?!

John Culberson (reptile-Texas) lies that President Obama is intentionally killing jobs in repugican areas.
Nope, you've done that all on your own - now reap what you've sown.

Mark Davis, guest host for hate radio liar Lush Dimbulb, lies that White House is disappointed by halting of Gulf oil leak.
No, that would be you and your ilk - you moron.

CNS News lies: the "Obama administration is racist ... using that racism to let black criminals off the hook" and "continues to ramp up the anti-white rhetoric".
The only 'anti' anything rhetoric is spewing out your pie holes and at a prodigious rate to boot.

Mark Davis, guest host for hate radio liar Lush Dimbulb, hypes the lie that "if you're white, you have no civil rights" according to the Obama administration's Justice Dept.
You can thank the shrub and the cabal and the over-reaction after the tower bombings for the erosion of your civil rights not the color of your skin.

Faux's Glenn Beck fearmongers about "civil unrest" in November elections because of "groups like the Black Panthers, like ACORN".
 Nope, Glen ol'boy, it'll be the Aryan Brotherhood groups, the religi-o-militias, and the other assorted wingnuts on the lunatic fringe that will cause any 'unrest' in November if there is any.

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