Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools

Faux's Glenn Beck lies that somehow financial reform legislation will let Obama take over Faux News.
If only that were true ... if only ...

Wingnut Washington Times again runs doctored photo showing Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan in a turban to absurdly claim she will impose Islamic Shariah law on America.
Bad photoshop job as well (a lot of that going on among the wingnuts and their corporate handlers these days).

Wingnut rage machine unloads a frenzy of race-baiting.
And this is news, how?

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: President Obama "is about to have unstoppable power," adds: "You know who did this before? ... Augustus Caesar".
Deluded and does not know history - yep all is as usual in 'Beckistan'.

Wingnut Anti-Family Research Council lies: President Obama is destroying our "Freedom of Religion".
Now, get this straight the use of the word 'of' in 18th century parlance equates to the word 'from' in today's parlance - so the proper reading (of the sentence the relig-o-nuts are overly-fond of misquoting in the first place) ... is to say freedom FROM religion in that NO religion is held in any place within the society of the nation of the United States of America. It is the self said wingnuts who are destroying (or they're trying desperately to anyway) the very foundation of this nation  - we are not, never were, nor ever will ever be a 'christian' nation!

Faux News has hyped phony New Black Panthers scandal at least 95 times.
Are we surprised. Well, actually yes - we thought it'd been more ... a lot more.

Hate radio squawker Jim Quinn lies President Obama is "un-American", a "hater of Western civilization".
Hey, Jim you need to stop yelling into the mirror.

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