Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

These idiots are so predictably stupid no commentary is needed ...
Liars and Fools

Faux's Glenn Beck claims that 1960s era violent Weather Underground manifesto "sure sounds an awful lot like the things that we're doing".

WingNutDaily 'explains' that President Obama is "a vengeful, spoiled little man-child" who "derives perverse pleasure by seeing America on her knees" and whose "entire Cabinet are a veritable Who's Who of political radicals, social engineers, Marxists, feminists, socialists, communists, fascists".

Faux's Glenn Beck suggests that the Obama administration is governing from the Weathermen manifesto.

Faux's Glenn Beck claims We have "really nasty communist Hispanic groups that are sowing the seeds of discontent".

Faux News 'demands' to know, When will American Blacks stop oppressing white people?

Ted Nugent lies: "Those currently in charge want to destroy America and turn us into a Third World nation".

Faux News reports, over and over again, that black people are coming to wreak havok on white people.

Faux's Glenn Beck somehow links "this Sherrod thing" to imagined Obama administration plot to "take over the media".

Faux's Glenn Beck compares nearly-toothless financial reform to "Big Brother," an "unprecedented assault on our economy".

Latest rant from Faux's Glenn Beck: "What is wrong with us, America? Why are people not in the streets? Your republic is over."

Obama orders an ice cream cone, and would-be pundits across the right-wing blogosphere see the sign over the ice cream shop as Obama's endorsement of "Black power".

Lush Dimbulb lies: Obama "regime" is "tribalizing this country" into "different racial tribes".

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