Sunday, July 4, 2010

Now that's just Bizarre

Now that's just Bizarre
The woman who only ever eats Monster Munch

Night after night Debbie Taylor lovingly prepares dinner for her family then, as they tuck into their meal she reaches into the kitchen cupboard for a packet of Monster Munch.

Bizarre as it sounds, Debbie, 30, has eaten nothing but crisps for 10 years, and for the past two, beef flavor Monster Munch have been every meal.

Friends and family have tried to persuade her to have a more varied diet, but Debbie insists she can’t eat anything else. Meals out, Christmas dinner, barbecues, even eating the food she cooks for her family are all off-limits.

Debbie takes crisps to ­restaurants. And when her boyfriend Gerald ­Whittington, 55, took Debbie and her son Luke, 10, for a holiday in Spain, he even had to pack a separate suitcase for her Monster Munch.

Hotel chambermaid Debbie from Harlow in Essex, eats six small packets a day or two large bags. She says: “I know it must seem strange but it works for me – I love Monster Munch!

“Gerald and my family have tried everything to get me to eat other food but I’m so used to crisps now there is no way I could tuck into a pizza or fish and chips.” Despite her cheery attitude, Debbie’s severely restricted diet is likely to be an after-effect of the eating disorders that plagued her from a young age.

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