Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Now that's just Bizarre

Now that's just Bizarre
Biker found shot dead after collision with deer
Pennsylvania State Police are trying to piece together the puzzling death of a motorcyclist in Westmoreland County.

According to police reports, William Mark Amos, 47, of Export, was riding on Route 819 in Salem Township when the deer crossed into his path on Friday morning.

The bike collided with the deer about 100 yards south of Ridge Road.

But police said that Amos had a gunshot wound to the head and that a gun was also recovered at the crash scene. Police said Amos, who was not wearing a helmet, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Man claims aliens are pelting his home
A Bosnian man whose house has been hit six times by meteorites claims aliens are targetting him. The white-hot rocks have hammered Radivoje Lajic's house repeatedly since 2007, forcing him to reinforce the roof of his Gornji Lajici home with a steel girder.

Experts at Belgrade University have confirmed that all the rocks he has produced are meteorites, but Lajic believes their trajectory is no accident, claiming: "I am obviously being targeted by aliens."

He continued: "I don't know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense.

"The chance of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit six times has to be deliberate. If you rule out the possible - then the impossible must be true." Lajic has had so many visitors to his house that he plans to erect a small museum in his back garden.

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