Friday, July 16, 2010

A repugican says that waiters are hurting their employers

By making so much money on tips. 
Seems that someone had a tip for that moron.
You have to give Tom Emmer credit.
When the presumptive repugican nominee for governor of Minnesota held a town hall meeting with waiters on Wednesday -- as part of a damage control effort after he publicly complained that they were making over $100,000 per year in tips and hurting their employers -- his campaign clearly was not screening the attendees.
The event Wednesday was supposed to last for an hour and a half. instead, it ended a half-hour early, as the Star Tribune reports: "An hour later, he walked out after a bag of 2,000 pennies was dumped inches from his face by a man exclaiming, 'I have a tip for you too, Emmer!' as cascading pennies bounced in every direction and the crowd at a Roseville restaurant erupted into chaos."
....Emmer last week voiced his support for a policy known as a "tip credit," which is used in 43 states but not in Minnesota, which allows employers to pay a lower minimum wage to waiters -- as low as $2.13 per hour, depending on the implementation, by crediting their tips towards the $7.25 federal requirement.
Emmer especially got himself in trouble when he said: "With the tips that they get to take home, there are some that are earning over $100,000 a year -- more than the very people that are providing the jobs and investing not only their life savings but their family's future. Something has to be done about that."
More at TPM

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