Friday, July 30, 2010

Repugicans hate America

And are working hard to destroy her ...

Democrats tie repugicans to Tea Party: 
'They are one and the same'
Heck of a change from last summer when Democrats were running scared from these morons disrupting health care reform rallies. 

From Hotline:
As  part of its initiative, the DNC is launching a website accusing  Republicans of supporting a legislative blueprint in line with the Tea  Party movement that includes repeal of the health care law and Wall  Street reform, extending tax breaks, privatization of Social Security  and the elimination of the Department of Education and the Department of  Energy.

"The Tea Party is now an institutionalized part of the  Republican party. They are one and the same," a DNC operative said,  previewing Kaine's speech. "The positions espoused by the Tea Party is  the governing platform of the Republican party. And as voters make their  choice this fall it's important to understand what the Republican-Tea  Party wants to do if elected."

Here's the DNC's web ad laying out the Republican Tea Party agenda:

The fight to save Social Security begins anew

From Howie Klein:
Yesterday Blue America and the Americans For America PAC launched the first in a series of ads meant to emphasize what's real at stake if the GOP takes over again after the midterm elections. If you missed it yesterday, take a look at the video today. As you see, John Boehner addressed the long held Republican Party (and conservative) dream of dismantling Social Security. This morning a coalition of 60 groups representing over 30 million Americans launched a campaign specifically meant to strengthen Social Security, not weaken it as Boehner, the GOP (and some conservative Democrats) hope to do.

Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO), Gerald McEntee (AFSCME), Justin Ruben (, Dennis Van Roekel (NEA), Eliseo Medina (SEIU), Terry O'Neill (NOW), Donna Meltzer (Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities), Hilary Shelton (NAACP), and Ed Coyle (Alliance for Retired Americans) held a press conference this morning at the National Press Club to announce the new campaign. With some serious indications-- like Obama's reactionary nominees to the panel-- that the his fiscal commission is considering recommending that Congress cut Social Security benefits, these groups are launching a major new campaign to push back and demand that Congress not make any benefit cuts. New polling shows massive public support for members of Congress who support strengthening, not cutting, Social Security.

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