Sunday, July 18, 2010

Un-paving Rural America "Back To The Stone Age"

dustry road photo
Dusty road.
Until the 1950's, gravel roads were the norm outside the core developed zones of American towns and cities. Guess what? Gravel roads are back in vogue. Tax revenues are so far down and asphalt prices rising so far that State and local governments can no longer afford to repair and repave. So they are un-paving, which means changes to the modern lifestyle. Forget texting and coffee drinking on a gravel road. Gravel roads are forbidding to sleek low riders, road bikes, and convertibles.
Wall Street Journal has covered the new trend in the story: Roads to Ruin: Towns Rip Up the Pavement .

Article continues: Trend Watch: Un-paving Rural America "Back To The Stone Age"

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