Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You know you're from North Carolina when ..

1. You've gotten used to the smell of cow manure on a car trip to Raleigh..........OR if you grew up in Huntersville NC and your school bus went by Wallace Farm - sorry Highland Creek - if you don't like the smell move out of your $300K home - Wallace Farm was there LONG before you found the area....

2. Saying "y'all" isn't just a cute expression; it actually means something. And its sounds better than the "yous all" they say on the Sopranos

3. There are big Labrador retrievers in the back of every truck.....or pit bulls or coon dogs...or Catahouies

4. You give directions using KFC and Waffle House as landmarks.....ESPECIALLY if you are in Hickory or Charlotte

5. You still see Dale Earnhardt tributes on cars. OF COURSE HE IS THE ICON of Nascar. Petty is the King, Earnhardt put Nascar on the front page

6. You can't imagine life without Bojangles' sweet tea.....it will make your back teeth rattle and your dentist will hate you

7. Your annual church fundraiser always deals with BBQ and potato salad. Duh - don't all churches have a yearly BBQ fundraiser!!

8. You have a sunburn from May to October....and especially from mid-biceps down or from the waist up.

9. Your 'heavy winter clothing' consists of some turtleneck sweaters, a fuzzy jacket, and your daddy's boots.....and long johns

10. Your family has fried chicken once a week. Along with fried fish - at the FISH CAMP not the "seafood restaurant.

11. You can tell the difference between cotton fields and tobacco fields while driving.....as well as soybeans

12. One of your neighbors has a confederate flag hanging on their front porch, their garage, the sissy bar of their motorcycle or the 40' flag pole in the front yard.

13. Those "damn yankees" are taking over your school/church/workplace/etc.

Oh, and just so you damn yankees know "Bless your heart", does not mean what you think it means - Bless your heart.

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