Saturday, August 28, 2010

Batman Robs a Taco Bell

Poor Batman. The horrible economy must’ve depleted Bruce Wayne’s fortunes, and the Caped Crusader is forced to make ends meet by … robbing Taco Bell!
Where once Batman ruled Taco Bell with promotional movie cups and kid’s meals, it seems the Caped Crusader (or an impersonator) has now turned to crime, taking food from an unsuspecting drive-thru customers like a thief in the night. It’s sort of like the old drive-thru football grab from MTV’s "Jackass," only the gosh-darn Batman leaps from an untold height onto the top of an SUV before grabbing an order and fleeing into the shadows.
Comic Alliance has the video clip (A prank? A viral vid attempt? Can’t be a coincidence though the driver seems genuinely pissed off).

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