Wednesday, August 25, 2010

CNBC: tax cuts *do* add to deficit

Of course they do but who wants to get in the way of a good rant by the repugicans? As you can read inside the link, even many top repugican economic advisers going back to the Reagan years admit tax cuts add to the deficit. CNBC:
I was very encouraged to read an article last Tuesday in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Voters Back Tough Steps to Reduce Budget Deficit.” What is discouraging is that some people, mostly repugican politicians, are trying to convince people that tax cuts do not contribute to the deficit. This is not only misinformation, it is dangerous misinformation.

The misinformers’ claim is that tax cuts pay for themselves and thus do not impact the deficit negatively. They claim that lower tax rates stimulate the economy and job growth so much that you wind up with more tax revenues at lower rates than you do at higher rates. While the shrub was telling the public that tax cuts pay for themselves, his 2003 Economic Report of the President, pages 57-58, told a very different story...
Yes, the repugican politicians are dangerous.

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