Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FDA reports filthy conditions at Iowa 'salmonella' egg farm

Dare I say there may have been a slight problem with self-regulation? It's a good thing the Republicans destroyed the food safety system because it only was slowing down business. If only those doggone consumers didn't get in the way of a good thing, profits would have been fine.

LA Times:
Federal officials investigating conditions at the two Iowa mega-farms whose products have been at the center of the biggest egg recall in U.S. history found filthy conditions, including chickens and rodents crawling up massive manure piles and flies and maggots "too numerous to count."

Water used to wash eggs at one of the producers tested positive for a strain of salmonella that appears to match the variety identified in eggs that have sickened at least 1,500 people, according to preliminary Food and Drug Administration reports of inspections at facilities operated by Wright County Egg and Hillandale Farms of Iowa Inc.

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