Sunday, August 29, 2010

Horde of Vikings Attack Los Angeles

Forget pirates and ninjas, there’s a new meme in town. Here’s the Norse Hollywood Dining Viking, a group of marauding vikings who raid local restaurants, other guests be damned!
The leader of this roving band of meal-seeking marauders is Tony Swatton, who, by day, is a master blacksmith and the designer of custom-made weapons, armor and other props for television and film. [...]
Swatton says it’s great fun watching the crowd’s reaction to a horde of costumed vikings showing up, but the reaction they will get in Oktoberfest will probably pale in comparison to the reaction they got from IKEA employees during a recent visit.
"We got a group of nine vikings to go there for the Swedish meatballs," he said. "At one point, the security guards came up and asked, ‘What are you doing here?’ We said, ‘We’re from the home office in Sweden.’ They didn’t know how to react."
The downside of dressing up as vikings?
"Thanks to those Capital One ads, we can’t go anywhere without people yelling, ‘What’s in your wallet!’" he laughed.

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