Thursday, August 19, 2010

In Matters Of Health

In Matters Of Health
An outbreak of salmonella poisoning prompts an Iowa egg producer to issue a major recall.  
A new study shows that 1 in 5 teens is now affected — which can mean big problems later. 
Your Bra Can Kill You And Other Medical Myths
Medical myths are sometimes hilarious and sometimes they're downright dangerous information. No matter how often they're debunked, people will still believe them. Why? Because when you're told something is true throughout your entire life, it can be difficult to change your mind. That's how medical myths can spread.

Two common ways of falling asleep may put harmful stress on internal organs. 
Strange Bedfellows
Peculiar and unknown facts about shut-eye. Did you know sleep affects your memory, heart health, teeth, and more.

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