Monday, August 23, 2010

The Jefferson Davis Monument

The Jefferson Davis monument is located in Fairview Kentucky.  It is at the site where Jefferson Davis, who would become the President of the Confederacy during the Civil War, was born.  Ironically, the man who would be his chief adversary in the war, Abraham Lincoln, was born less than 100 miles away in Hodgenville KY.

At 351 feet tall, it is the largest [unreinforced] concrete obelisk in the world, and the fifth tallest monument in the United States. The top four are St. Louis’s Gateway Arch, 630 feet tall; San Jacinto (Texas) Monument, 570 feet (built to the peoples who created an independent country — just like the Confederates); the Washington Monument, 555 feet; and the Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial at Put in Bay, Ohio, which, at 352 feet, nudges its way past the Davis obelisk by a mere extra 12 inches.

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