Monday, August 2, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: "the trends that we're headed towards" is to "install a dictator".
No, we ousted him in November 2008

Wingnut media, led by Faux's Glenn Beck, continue to stoke dangerous fires with relentlessly incendiary rhetoric.
Treason pure and simple.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies again that there are "radicals in the White House and around this president".
No, that was in case when the pretender squatted in the oval office and took a shit on the world.

Faux's Glenn Beck ludicrously links activist group Tides Foundation to 1960s radical group Weather Underground.
Hey, what do expect from a stark-raving mad lunatic?

Wingnuts stand by their obvious lie about Mexicans who raided American ranchers' property "in what could be deemed an act of war".
Yes, lying about it to justify killing brown people is an act of war.

Wingnut radio hatemonger Bill Cunningham gets a nationally syndicated television platform, too.
There is no justice in the world!

Why is Simon & Schuster spreading the wild conspiracy theories of unhinged Islamophobe Pamela Geller?
Dam, good question ... I'd follow the money.

Faux's Dick Morris lies Obama has "gotta ratchet up his rhetoric, particularly over racial issues" to energize base.
There's more progressive energy out there than the wingnuts want to admit and next to no troglodyte 'energy' but to hear them tell it ...

Wingnut media repeatedly lies that Obama is trying to foment a "race war".
No, that'd be you guys ... you know - the wingnuts.

WingNutDaily won't retract false Obama "quote" that paints President as un-American.
Of, course they won't that would force them to print the truth and we all know that's never going to happen.

Wingnut hate radio squawker Rose Tennent lies: "You can't vote for [Obama] and be a Christian".
Actually, if you were a christian you couldn't vote for anyone else.

Wingnut hate radio sqawker Jim Quinn repeats long-debunked myth that "pedophilia is far more rampant among the gay community than it is among the straight community".
Point of fact - the rate of pedophilia is significantly HIGHER among the straight community.

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