Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools
Notice a pattern? 
Un-American Anti-Family Assholes spokesman Bryan Fischer against warns of "civil unrest" in response to federal "tyranny".

Faux's Glenn Beck is still trying to prove that "we" are "executing" the Weather Underground "plan".
The drugs are wearing off ...

Faux's Glenn Beck stands behind his lies about otherwise un-noted charity, lies which inspired would-be murderer in California.
Lies upon lies ... they never change.

Faux's Glenn Beck suggests that a Weather Underground plan leading to "world communism" and a "dictator" has been initiated.
It was! ... in 2001, but it failed when we ousted the pretender in 2008

Faux's Glenn Beck inanely lies that "We are on the verge of losing freedom of religion".
Again 18th century vernacular and parlance - the word 'of' means 'from' as we use the words today and he's correct  ... we are on the verge of losing our freedom from religion if he and any of his mindless mendicants have anything to do with it.

Zach Wamp (reptile-Tennessee): If you love God, vote for me.
If you love anything don't vote for him

Wingnut hate radio squawker Mark Levin lies: America is "not a representative republic anymore. It is a soft tyranny".
It is a representative republic again and the wingnuts don't like it now that their corporate overlords have less say in how the nation is governed. (even though they still have far too much say as it is!)


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