Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools
Wingnut loudmouth Lush Dimbulb lies: "our own government has become the enemy".Nope, it was during the dark years of the shrub and the cabal that the government was the enemy.

On Glenn Beck's Twitter feed, he "favorites" White Nationalist's post.
Nazi's supporting each other ... Bless their little hearts.

Batshit crazy wingnut Pam Geller lies: the Muslim Brotherhood has "infiltrated senior levels" of the Obama administration.
And little green men wearing purple tutus are riding pink elephants on the ocean, too. Pam, you gotta quit smoking that stuff, girl.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: Obama does not believe that all men are created equal.
Actually, that'd be you Glenn and yammering into the mirror is no way to go through life

Sharon Angle (reptile-Nevada) lies: Democrats are idolators, in "violation of the First Commandment".
This bitch is starting to make Michelle Bachman look sane and that takes a heap of doing.

Faux's Glenn Beck suggests that progressives think "the state" should "decide ... who lives and who dies".
Wrong, that was your cadre of mendicants and sycophants and we ousted them. 

Dan Maes, repugican candidate for Governor in Colorado, says bike lanes are part of a plot to put Denver under United Nations rule.
The air in Colorado is thin but this idiot isn't even trying to breathe and the lack of oxygen has destroyed what he used to call his brain.

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