Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Otherwise know as the Seditionists
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools

Trent Franks (reptile-Arizona) lies: President Obama is the greatest threat to the United States Constitution, and one the nation's worst enemies.
Spoken like the true Nazi he is.

Radio hatemonger Michael Savage lies: "The left will not stop until the country goes up in flames ... they want insurrection".
Wrong, that is what you wingnuts want an what you have always wanted.

Lush Dimbulb lies: "Secession" is "not the rantings of extreme kookism anymore," "some might say the civil war is already on".
Syphilis warps the mind and Lush is the proof.

Talk of secession, a second civil war, and nullification increasingly common among wingnuts.
Hard to imagine such talk 'increasing' as it is all they talk and have talked about for years.

Hate radio's Lush Dimbulb: "This is tyranny".
This from a tyrant is just too funny.

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: The "patterns" of the Weimar Republic "are repeating".
The Nazis are getting more brazen aren't they.

Wingnut media repeatedly and absurdly compare Michelle Obama to Marie Antoinette.
'Clutching at straws' is the appropriate phrase to use here.

Wingnut squawking head Chuck Colson begs people to "understand the severity of the threats to our first freedom" which are coming from all sides and "realize the kind of fight we're in and be prepared for what we may face in the coming months".
Quite correct you are a serious threat you are to our freedom but we are prepared to defend our freedom from you.

Faux's Glenn Beck compares President Obama to Lucifer.
At least Lush has syphilis to blame, but Glenn you're just stark raving mad dog bat shit crazy.

White supremacist site Stormfront promotes Glenn Beck's deleted white power "fave" on Twitter.
 Ah, don't you just love it when Nazis show the love for one another.

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