Monday, August 16, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Otherwise know as the Seditionists
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools

Lunatic wingnut Hal Turner is convicted of threatening to kill Chicago judges.
One for the good guys!

CNN's Erick Erickson lies "the President of the United States now supports jihad apparently".
Some needs to take Erick's crack pipe away from him - he's smoking way too much crack.

The usual wingnut sources claim Obama administration is trying to promote the spread of AIDS.
Would that they did otherwise ... now, that would be shocking!

Wingnut loudmouth lush Dimbulb lies: Democrats will bring "more of the Trotsky brand of Communism than the Stalinist brand"".
Well, considering how dead set the wingnuts are to bring about the 'Stalinist brand' themselves this should be viewed as progress for the Democrats, but as with anything that spews from Lush's pie hole it is a lie.

Wingnut aggitator and WingNutDaily fantasy writer Larry Klayman lies: the federal judiciary "has broken away from 'We the People' and become a 'renegade' terrorist group".
Were that it were true - then we would have justice in lieu of the joke we have now.

Democratic state legislator in New Hampshire makes "death joke" about Sarah Palin — so he promptly resigns.
Something is wrong with this story, there has to be more that meets the eye here ... because if making a 'death joke' about Sarah Palin is cause for someone to resign then the entire sane population of the planet needs to resign and promptly.

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