Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Otherwise known as the Seditionists
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: President Obama's comments show "contempt for the Scriptures".
Looking into the mirror when speaking again, eh, Beck.

repugican national cabal member Kim Lehman lies: President Obama "personally told the Muslims that he IS a Muslim".
Kim, pulling lies out of your ass is no way to go through life.

Faux's Eric Bolling says Islamic community center in Manhattan "may be a meeting place for some of the scariest minds — some of the biggest terrorist minds".
Actually it is those milling about in a ignorant stupor around the building site that has the 'scariest' minds and the biggest terrorist minds are controlling their ignorance by feeding them lies and hate.

New wingnut line: Pastors who vouch for Obama's Christian faith are just like churches that gave cover to Nazis.
So you are saying you vouch for his faith ... being that you are Nazis and all.

Congressional candidate Tom Ganley (reptile-Ohio) can't say whether Obama is a Muslim.
Can't say much can he?

Faux's Glenn Beck stokes Muslim terrorist rumors.
And this is news - how?

“Strict Constitutionalists” call for a "Second Amendment solution" to the Tenth Amendment crisis.
Sedition pure and simple

Evil-religio nutjob Franklin Graham lies: Obama was born Muslim.
He was born a human male beyond that he is what his life has made him and being a Muslim isn't part of that.

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