Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Otherwise known as the Seditionists
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Former rnc chair Ken Mehlman comes out as gay
This is going over well with the wingnuts ... not

Liars and Fools

Wingnut squawking head Frank Gaffney lies that President Obama "has exhibited a sympathy for the agenda" of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Only in your deluded mind - only in your deluded mind.

Radio hatemonger Michael Savage bizarrely claims Obama "would eliminate the Marine Corps".
Not as long as you keep proving the need for the Corps - to prevent perverts like you and yours from destroying this great nation .

Mitch McConnell (reptile-Kentucky) refuses to state clearly that President Obama is a Christian.
Hell, Mitch can't state anything clearly so what is new about this?

WingNutDaily again lies that President Obama is Muslim.
And I repeat, what is new about this?

Pat Boone offers op-ed at WingNutDaily, claiming that under Obama, the White House is a mosque.
And we are supposed to believe this coming from a no-talent has-been hack, right?

Wingnut Cliff Kincaid again equates homosexuality with treason.
See Above.

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