Monday, August 30, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Otherwise known as the Seditionists
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.

Liars and Fools

Being a birther isn't enough? Wingnut Cliff Kinkaid now wants proof of Obama's baptism.
He can want all he wants he just ain't going to get it.

Wingnut Pamela Geller lies: Obama's worldview is "distinctly anti-American".
Coming from an anti-American Nazi this is rich!

Faux's Sean Hannity lies: the "true agenda" behind global warming is to punish the U.S. and redistribute wealth.
And he wonders why he is referred to as 'handjob'?

Batshit crazy wingnut Ted Nugent lies: President Obama only "says he’s a Christian so he can continue with his jihad of a America-destroying policies".
Stick to 'hunting' caged animals asshole and cut out the drugs, weed or whatever - its destroyed what little mind you ever might have had.

Faux's Glenn Beck again implies that the President of the United States is a terrorist Manchurian candidate.
Nurse! Thorazine!

Faux's Glenn Beck lies: Obama's religious teachings are "the antithesis to the Jesus message".
Could someone clue me in on just when President Obama began religious teaching in the first place, I seem to have misplaced my memo again.
Need we say more?

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