Friday, August 20, 2010

Nasty People Have Higher Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

For all those internet trolls out there - 
Sorry, but you're gonna go young
cave troll lord of the rings photo
Cave Troll from Lord of the Rings via Wikipedia
Dan Blankenhorn of Smart Planet was thinking of his commenters when he suggested that "trolls die young", based on a study researchers of the US National Institute on Aging. They looked at 5,614 Sardinians from four villages, and found that "those who scored high for antagonistic traits on a standard personality test had greater thickening of the neck (carotid) arteries compared to people who were more agreeable. Thickness of neck artery walls is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke."
Article continues: Trolls Die Young: Nasty People Have Higher Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
This also explains why so many of those 'religious' whackos are dropping like flies - they aren't nice people.

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