Monday, August 2, 2010

Teabaggers leery of Teabagger Caucus in the House

That's okay, since a lot of the House is quite leery of the Teabaggers as well:
It didn’t help when one House member, whom neither Meckler nor others interviewed for this story would identify, said he felt he was taking a political risk by affiliating with the caucus and the movement.

That struck a lot of activists as “fairly patronizing,” said Andrew Ian Dodge, the Patriots state coordinator for Maine, who did not attend the conference but did participate the next day in a Patriots conference call at which Meckler and another attendee recounted the unnamed member’s trepidation.

“How is this a risk for the politicians?” said Dodge. “The tea party movement is made up of very engaged, well-informed, intelligent people. It should be the politicians’ pleasure to meet with us.”
Technically, it's not "patronizing." The House repugicans simply think you're f'g nuts.

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