Saturday, August 28, 2010

Teenager gets squeaky dog toy lodged in his lung

Paramedics said it was the first time for them after a Sandy teenager got a dog whistle lodged in his lung. The teen's mother said each time 13-year-old William Robertson took a breath, he squeaked. William was supposed to start school on Tuesday but instead was in surgery to get the whistle removed.

"He coughed on the way and it slipped into his lungs," said William's mother, Laurie Robertson. "They had to do surgery then to get the whistle out." Robertson said William was wrestling with his dog over a squeaky toy.

"I squeezed it just as the dog jumped on me and it fell," said William. "Every time I breathed, it would happen to squeak." William's mother said he has a new nickname from the incident but William said he does not find it funny.

"It's kind of irritating," William said. "It's kind of funny but then again, it's scary cause I just don't see how choking is funny." Williams is taking a couple days off to recover from a sore throat.

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