Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tennessee mosque attack also included gun shots

The Teabaggers must be thrilled with the big showing of violence. And yes, the arson and gun shots should be considered terrorism.
"It was nothing like a hunting rifle," said Sbenaty, an MTSU engineering professor and member of the Islamic Center's planning committee.

Female members of the center's congregation were on site and easily recognizable because of their wardrobe. He wasn't sure if the shots were being fired at the Muslim group, but in the aftermath of the weekend arson incident, he said they felt it necessary to report.

"We hope for the best, obviously, but this isn't hunting land. There's plenty of houses around here," he said. "To say we're nervous is a huge understatement. It's terrorism."
Burned equipment at the site of a planned mosque has local Muslims concerned.

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