Thursday, September 16, 2010

Age Defying Drug Discovered

A Russian scientist named Vladimir Skulachev says he's come up with an anti-aging drug.  Inhuman Experiments discusses it: 

It appears that Skulachev has synthesized a  mitochondrially targeted antioxidant. There's no detailed information in  the article, but based on the papers Skulachev's group has published in  the past, it looks like the compound in question is SkQ1, an  antioxidant attached to a positively charged ion. Experiments have shown  that SkQ1 prolongs the lifespan of a variety of species, including mice  (link, link).  Clinical trials on humans are underway, and if everything goes  smoothly, the drug will be out in a few years. After successful results  from animal studies using eye drops, Skulachev tried it on his own  cataract. After six months, his cataract was gone. 
So what's the catch here? Well, looking at the lifespan data from  mice, they're not talking about an increase in maximum lifespan but in  median lifespan. The oldest mice receiving the drug did not live longer  than the oldest mice in the control group, they just had a squared  mortality curve. In other words, the mice that got SkQ1 made it to old  age more often than the control mice.

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